Budget 2023-2034
The Bow PTO is a group of parent and teacher volunteers who work together to raise funds for the Bow School District.
The funds raised provide our student body and educators with experiences and learning opportunities that allocated school budgets simply do not cover.
Two College Scholarships for BHS Seniors
Supplemental Nurse’s Funds
Visiting Authors, Artists, and Musicians
Drug Prevention Programs
Buses for Prom
High School Graduation Costs
Library Books
Sargent Camp and so much more!
Board Members
2024-2025 Executive Board Members
President – Kelsey Nugent bowptopres@gmail.com
Vice President – Cara Trotte
Treasurer – Kim Martin bowptotreas@gmail.com
Secretary – Sarah Winter saraannewinter@gmail.com
Board Member, Craft Fair — Rachel Ovaginian bowcraftfair@gmail.com